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카테고리 없음

땅 위에 쓰신 글씨(마이클 카드)

Amidst a mob of madmen
She stood frightened and alone
As hate filled voices hissed at him
That she should now be stoned

But in the air around him
Hung a vast and wordless love
Who knows what loom at his lesson
He was in the middle of

At first he faced the fury
Of their self righteous scorn
But then he stooped and at once became
The calm eye of the storm

It was his wordless answer
To their dark and cruel demand
The lifetime in a moment
As he scribbled in the sand

It was silence it was music
It was art it was absurd
He stooped and shouted volumes
Without saying a single word

The same finger
Of the strong hand
That had written ten commands
For now was simply scribbling in the sand

Within the space of space and time
He scribbled in the sand
They cam e to hear and see as much
As they could understand
Now bound by cords of kindness
They couldn't cast a single stone
And Jesus and the women found that they were all alone

It was silence it was music
It was art it was absurd
He stooped and shouted volumes
Without saying a single word

The same finger
Of the strong hand
That had written ten commands
For now was simply scribbling in the sand

Could that same finger come
And trace my souls sacred sand
And make some unexpected space
Where I could understand
That my own condemnation pierced
And broke that gentle hand
That scratched the words I'll never know
Written in the sand

It was silence it was music
It was art it was absurd
He stooped and shouted volumes
Without saying a single word

The same finger
Of the strong hand
That had written ten commands
For now was simply scribbling in the sand

The same finger
Of the strong hand
That had written ten commands
For now was simply scribbling in the sand

폭도들 한가운데 겁에 질린 여인이 홀로 서 있네.

돌에 맞아 마땅하다 성난 외침 들리나

주님 곁엔 소리 없는 넉넉한 사랑만이 흘러 넘쳤네.

참으로 영광스런 가르침을 행하시다.

자기 의를 과시하는 경멸과 분노 앞에 마주하셨네

몸을 굽히시사 태풍의 눈처럼 고요를 만드시며

음흉한 요구에 말없이 대답하시네.

흙 위에 끄적이실 때, 순간 속에 영원한 삶이 있네.


그것은 침묵, 그것은 음악, 그것은 예술

쉽게 이해되지 않는 것.

몸을 굽히사 한마디 말씀도 없이 거대한 울림을 이루셨네.

십계명을 새기신 그 위대한 손

바로 그 손가락으로 흙 위에 끄적이시네  


흙 위에 끄적이신 시공간의 여백 안에서

귀 있는 자들은 듣고 보게 되고

그분의 사랑에 매여 아무도 돌을 던지지 못하였네.

그리고 그 분과 여인만이 남게 되었네.

당신의 손 이제 내 영혼의 흙에 자취를 남기소서.

그 신비한 여백 속에서 깨닫게 하소서.

그 인자한 손을 못 박은 것은 나의 죄악이었음을

결코 내가 알 수 없을 끄적이신 그 말씀

내 영혼의 흙 위에 적혀 있네.

- Michael Card-